Orientation Week: The Inception of an Odyssey

As nervous faces entered the Seminar Hall, the bewilderment of each student became more than evident. However, this perplexity was coupled with vivaciousness, as everyone waited for the first address by the Principal, Dr Tejinder Kaur, to commence. What followed was a lecture by Prof. Balram Gupta on, ‘Challenges of the Legal Profession’, where he…

15 things every fresher in AIL must know (by present AILians)

With the batch of 2016-2021 just in, here are some important things they must always keep in mind and some really insignificant details that no one will sit down and tell you. Gather ’round kids!     1. Try Everything in the First year. “I’m just a first year” is the best excuse. [P.S. talking…

In conversation: Kudrat Dutta Chaudhary, debut author of Laiza

Kudrat Dutta Chaudhary is a fifth-year student (Class of 2017) at the Army Institute of Law, Mohali. She has been an avid writer and has contributed to various magazines and news portals. Her debut novel – “Laiza: Sometimes the end is only the begining” hits the stores soon. In this interview, Kudrat talks to the Blue…